Finance and Accounting – the backbone for the Dairy Industry
Dealing with thousands of farmers on one side and distributors, retailers on the other side is a tough job in managing business operations. Generally, this perculates to numerous transactions each day with each of these business partners is no mean task. Each farmer ledger will have not just milk transactions but also several other inputs supplied to him. Accounting for each of these transactions is critical to ensure no loss of revenue. Typical complexities include loan recoveries in installments, tax incidence on some of the supplies, withholding tax (TDS) on transactions crossing certain threshold limits, reconciliation of the same with tax department records etc. add a lot of complexity.
Similarly, managing ledgers of individual distributors and retailers on the sales side has numerous challenges. While some of the dairy products attract GST some are exempted. Mandatory on-line integration with the Tax Department’s portal to generate unique department allotted invoice numbers (e-Invoice) and e-waybill etc. needs very careful monitoring and upgrades from time to time. Sales Invoices consisting of multiple products, deliveries needing different tax treatment for interstate and intra state etc. require an integrated financial system without which reconciliation of thousands of monthly transactions before filing the periodic tax returns would be a big challenge. While the market is very dynamic and competition forces the sales teams to be innovative in launching promotions and offers it adds complexities to finance teams in managing them in each of the parties ledgers. Real-time updation is critical to manage the credit risk carefully. Certain timely decisions like stop supplies to defaulters etc. Having a robust financial management system is a bare minimum infrastructure to financially sustain the dairy operations. General off-the-shelf accounting systems cannot meet these dairy specific needs. Integrated finance and accounting module of Milkosoft handles business complexities associated with large volume transactions with farmers and sales partners. While this module serves as the backbone for several large dairies; has helped several specialty dairies in scaling up their operations fast. Similarly, integrations with HR, store and purchase, engineering modules make it easy for dairies to manage their finances efficiently.